Paris Artist’s Way Creative Cluster
The ENGLISH group will meet Thursday evenings 8-10:30pm Central European Time (7pm UK, 2pm East, 11am Pacific) from April 27, 2023 to July 20, 2023 (Optional Intros April 20 & 23 at 8pm CET - these last about an hour).This group will be in English, and will be online by zoom, with occasional in-person extras.
It’s ok to miss a meeting or two over the session. (You also don’t have to live in Paris, and it’s ok if things come up.) See you soon !
Also, please note that you don’t need to have read the book or get a “head start” to participate. Come as you are.
It’s ok to miss a meeting or two over the session. (You also don’t have to live in Paris, and it’s ok if things come up.) See you soon !
Also, please note that you don’t need to have read the book or get a “head start” to participate. Come as you are.